就按一下啦 ♥

April 18, 2011

ngek ngek、

Because I always wrote my post in Chinese
So I will write this post in English. xD

12/4 > Tuesday

Stayed back with MONKEYZ for Photo Club
But the guys are seen like busy for the Plant Hunt competition
then our meeting had cancel. -.-
Went back home at 3.30pm.
Ohya.. It's dad's birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday Daddy!


13/4 > Wednesday

Having injection this day.
WTF、my hand pain like hell
After injection, ponteng my BC class to teach kawad
Our Kasawari, 2 word to describe. 失望arh..

Sorry JenJee for not coming to the house practice.
My hand really pain and I almost pengsan ad.
Sorry. I promise you sure go next time kay?
Mum's birthday and she went to saloon to cut her hair.
As the present she gave to herself.
By now, she looked older than before.
Hahas.. Happy 34 mum!


14/4 > Thursday

After I woke up, the first thing I did is 'SHOUT'!
My hand, I feel like wanna chop down my hand!
But I woke up late. I woke up at 7am and school will be start at 7.15am!
OMG、done everything faster and reach school before 7.10am.
I dun want to be the lewat one!
Finally, mum did it. She drove as fast as she can.
Thanks mummy.

Stayed back for Badminton Club. Went Starplus.
I've passing up my name together with KarYee and Joe 
For the school team training.
The first day train by KuZailan. KeXin is the most pro.
And I am the nooby one. TT'
Then, went tuition at 4.30pm.
Thanks KheiYinn for fetching me back to school.


15/4 > Friday

TzeYeung gave me this before school start.
Err.. Thanks TzeYeung lar'

Actually, should stayed back for went Ehsan with Kylie.
But I have to go to buy the flour and the materials
For the station game.
So, sorry Kylie for became the 飞机luii.

After school, went to buy the flour and sweets 
With KarYee and ShuTyng.
For the station game on Saturday.
Came back to school before 2pm.


16/4 > Saturday

Raining early in the morning. What a bad weather. -.-'
Still think that we have our istiadat or not..
Went school at 10am but PuiYee told should go earlier than that.
Lol. No one inform me. I knew that. Because of her. Ish! ><'

Game started at 10 smtg.
My station is station 6.
Instruction: Use your mouth to find out at least 3 weets inside the flour within 2 minutes.

Heyy, this is my idea.
I know you all dun like but I've no choice. Sorry.
Here are some pictures.
MayKei.. :DD
WaiYing. :DD
Made by Eric.
Thanks Eric for helping me when the game is on.

Stopped the game at 12pm and keeping all the things.
I should keep it by myself, but..
Btw, thanks PuiYee, ChaiShin, Mendez and PeiLou 
For helping me to clean the place and sorry too. ><'
Went home at 12.30pm.


17/4 > Sunday

Woke u at 7 in the morning.
Cant sleep well that night because of stomachache.
Went Sushi King@Ikano for our lunch.
But I cant eat. TT'
Just drink the green tea only. Pity me.
Then, went Popular to buy some stuff.
Actually, I got many things want to buy.
Fererror Rocher, Hershey's Dark Chocolate, badminton racket,sport shoes..
But, my stomach dun let I do it.
Went Starbucks, bought a cup of Ice Caramel Macchiato
Then went back home at 3pm.

Slept until 6 smtg, sis woke me up.
OMG、my forehead is hot!
Mum took me to the doctor and..
having and INJECTION to control my fever.
DAMN、injection again. *SOBS*

Haiz. Sorry Kylie. Cant Tesco with you later ad.
Mum dun let I go out. Next time again kay?
Smile. :)


最近的心情 一点都不好
好像 有很多事情在烦似的
为什么啊? 我不懂咧。

We din talk in school such a long time ad.
Why? Something happened?
I dunno. Maybe.
Dun really want to talk to you.
Even just smile to you or look at you.
When my friends are talk about you,
I just feel like wanna cry.
What happened to me huh?

I met a RIGHT person in the WRONG time. :(

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